Network Theory

“Viral marketing has generated a lot of excitement recently, pick some small number of people to seed your idea, product, or message; get it to go viral; and then watch while it spreads effortlessly to reach millions”, says Duncan Watts and Jonah Albert, publishers of Viral Marketing of the Real World. To increase or maintain success many businesses, websites, and companies, network and market their products and content through creators, influencers, and celebrities. It ensures that their components are being seen, and are reaching several audiences, across several platforms. With that, they are creating and preserving any potential or past relationships with clients and consumers. They are expanding not only their audience, but their audience’s connection to their supply and demand. If done successfully, such exposure can have a massive impact on said businesses and companies. Over the years, many existing businesses and companies have relied on reaching out to popular and successful people on and around social media to gather their supporters and followers to check out and purchase what those companies and business want to sell and bring recognition to.

Albert-Laslo Barabasi, author of Taming Complexity expresses, “The science of networks is experiencing a boom.” For many sites, companies, and businesses, a “boom”, is a spike in sales, viewers, and acknowledgement. On the other side of things, such understandings and advancements are used to familiarize analysts and other professionals with trends, patterns, and commonalities. These data sets assist in future developments and success. For instance, a company gathering data that tells them that 50% of their consumers are 18 and under. With that information, that company might choose to contact popular influencers with audiences in that age range to promote their merchandise, resulting in the company reaching their target audience and potentially increasing productivity. Knowledge of networks, the data they produce, and their impact on digital media as well as the many components that relate to digital media, guarantees a better look inside technology and it’s consumers. This in the end, aids in numerous communities responding to the data in a way that benefits them in the long run.


  1. I agree with you also ! businesses use social media faithfully to advertise their business because it carries little to no costs. very often consumers spend time on social media for entertainment so why wouldn’t businesses use the same platform to advertise their product based on what pages the consumer follows, what posts they share , and what posts they like.

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