Framer Corruption App–4HtZBrsfYxEb70RtCjZE-6vJEm

This app of mine is a VERY VERY primitive prototype considering I couldn’t get the text feature to work for the life of me so i used images instead to illustrate what is supposed to be in each frame.


  1. Hey Omar – make sure you share the “sharable link”. This link leads to a dead end….. Can you repost?

    1. so sorry about that professor here is the EMBED link–UuKoOqRXGcgLUeZOUixO/OJN5K4UE9?highlights=0

  2. Make sure you go into your sharing settings in Framer and make it “shareable: – when I go to this link and click on “EMBED” at the top, it’s greyed out for me.–UuKoOqRXGcgLUeZOUixO/OJN5K4UE9?editor=1

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